READ WITH ME! Preschool Book Fair

Lifelong readers and learners develop their skills and mindset from repeated opportunities to choose reading material based on their own interests and needs. For many families and teachers, access to books is impacted by economic constraints - limiting the size, scope and appeal of home and classroom libraries.  Bess The Book Bus’ reading-centric, joyful events provide free home and classroom libraries that support children and the adults in their lives on their literacy journey.

Our Read With Me! Preschool Book Fairs are specifically designed for young readers from Birth - Kindergarten. We visit preschools and other sites that serve asset-limited families. We work with community partners to make book ownership and home libraries a reality for the families that need support in creating a culture of reading in their homes.

Our Read With Me! Preschool Book Fairs provide:

  • Direct interaction with Book Bus staff and a chance to engage in conversation about books and early literacy goals.

  • A joyful experience to share with children around books and reading that can carry over to other reading experiences in the home or other spaces like libraries.

  • A shared experience that can be a useful and engaging “at home” topic for talking, drawing or even singing about the book bus, the book fair and books in general.

  • A deeper understanding of their child’s preschool experience and learning journey.

Download a “READ WITH ME! Reading Tips pamphlet here!